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Hot Lunch Program

Classes at St. Gabriel’s School start at 7:00 a.m. Some students have to walk long distances to school with empty stomachs and endure a day at school hungry. 


It didn’t take long before the school staff realized the extent to which hunger can interfere with a student’s ability to learn. In 2013, funds were found to start a three-day-a-week hot meal program, which helped alleviate the problem somewhat. However, when the medical team from Buffalo conducted a clinic at the school in April 2014, they found that the medical problems experienced by many of the students were related to a lack of food and dehydration. They urged us to find the additional funds needed to increase St. Gabriel’s hot meal program from three to five days a week.  Thank you to the Kelly Family Cuidiu Foundation and other individuals who made donations to start this program. We appreciate all future donations that would help continue this program!

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